

I’ve been a writer for more than thirty years, although the drippy poems I wrote at fourteen can only be considered teenage drivel.

These days, I write to find meaning in everyday experiences. I write because I’m curious and harrowed by this world in equal measure. As Esme Weijun Wang said: “I write because it’s the best way I’ve found to interpret the bewildering world.”

I write because I cannot not write.

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I write from a place of abiding faith in Jesus Christ without knowing all the answers.  

I’ve been a vivacious reader all my life. My favorite book remains Jane Eyre. Other favorites include: The Hiding Place, My Name is Asher Lev, Chronicles of Narnia, Housekeeping, Rebecca, The Giver, I Capture the Castle, The Class Castle, Left to Tell, Midwives, Little House on the Prairie, The Secret Keeper, The Woman in White, and Traveling Mercies.

You can check out my book reviews on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/618751

I’m married to the towheaded, Wade Hogan, who I met at a wedding back in 1997. We have set up shop in Syracuse, Utah, and love to camp in the glorious Utah mountains with our four kids–Drew (18), Autumn(16), Zeke(12) & Kate(9) and our golden retriever, Summer. We also enjoy good food, church, soccer, karate, track, ballet, cello, piano, and watching movies. I should clarify: my family enjoys all these things. I’d much rather be reading a book.